Cédric Etienne



interior design inspired from contemplative stillness

Cédric Etienne, an interior architect, understands the challenges of living in an age of noise filled with constant distractions. In response, he is dedicated to creating spaces and objects that engage our senses and help us reconnect with inner calm.

Through his studio, Cédric Etienne, he explores the potential for stillness in both spatial atmosphere and our minds. Cédric Etienne's passion lies in creating contemplative atmospheres and infusing stillness into our daily lives.

Located in Antwerp's harbor, his studio brings together a team of designers and interior architects who specialize in crafting tranquil environments for various projects, including residential, office, and hospitality spaces.

With a personal desire to create an architectural manifesto to slow down and explore inward journeys, he has established the first still room in 2020 in a maritime heritage building. Influenced by sacred architecture, still rooms invites to seek inner peace and harmony, using natural materials and elemental structures to provide a framework for meditation, recharge and comfort.

Cédric Etienne’s architectural language not only fosters a dialogue between silence and space, it inspires to come closer our true authentic being.