KOI with Niela Lis




in Polish means 'to soothe'

it is a noun indicating that something ignites a deep sense of trust, serenity and security

koi (恋) in Japanese means 'love' 

specifically, a love that includes a deep longing or desire for something

As I gaze out of the rustic window, I see the leaves starting to change colour. Gentle wind travels through the arcades of old trees, there is a sense of melancholic serenity; the light slowly growing moody, marking the beginning of my cherished season: autumn. Accompanied by tranquil piano melodies, I indulge in a cup of tea, while reflecting upon the summer that passed. I hope the underlying message of acceptance of change is present. I read somewhere once that “Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.”

It intrigued me and it enticed me. 

Autumn is a special time. We are shedding the excess.

My intentions are:

To surrender, to let go. To be without resistance.